Jordan Eggleston

XR Developer, Futurus

Jordan Eggleston currently serves as an XR Developer at Futurus, an Atlanta-based software development company specializing in virtual reality production. As a part of project teams that create training simulations for enterprise customers such as Walmart, Delta, Georgia-Pacific, and Mars, he has programmed interactivity, choice-based flows, scoring, and locally networked multiplayer. His projects have reached thousands of employees to help them perform their jobs more safely and efficiently. In addition to development, Jordan works with motion capture and polishing animations through Unity's timeline system. Jordan also acts as the Lead Developer and Animator for Mop Boy Studios, an award-winning independent game development studio. Their first major title, Mop Boy, features a blend of energetic 2D action-platforming and relaxing story-driven gameplay. It's been showcased at a variety of conventions like Southern Fried Gaming Expo, Momocon, Dreamhack Atlanta, and SIEGECON. Always looking for an excuse to animate, Jordan keeps his skills sharp with personal and commissioned projects for games, trailers, music videos, and more.

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